Since James got home and we've had a chance to really settle in to our "real" schedule, things have been going much more smoothly, or I am less of a basket-case, or the boys are behaving better, or Meg's visit dissipated the bulk of the chaos, or the stars have aligned, or whatever concoction of elements has come together to put me in a significantly better mood. Sorry for those last angry posts representing the emotional overflow of our first and last experiment with solo tri-baby-watch or as I will forever remember it, "the weeks of the screaming trio".

All is looking much brighter now, especially with the addition of two brilliant Craigslist purchases--the kiderooz bike trailer/double stroller and an old school, hang off the back of your bike kid seat (just like the one I sat in back in the eighties) making for one heck of a caravan behind Mandy's teal beach cruiser. After a trip to Wal-Mart to buy an enormous planetary-orbit-of-its-own-helmet for Finn, we took our maiden voyage this morning before lunch, Henry and Jake in the trailer with a pool noodle between them to keep them upright and separated so Jake doesn't swipe Henry's pacifier and Finn strapped into the bike seat behind my seat on the bike.

The unintended comedy of this picture (I seem to be cultivating my circus acts-we just need a monkey) is that the bike cruiser has an enormous, cushion-your-big-fanny-seat and the bracket to attach finn's seat barely bolts to mine with room for his legs. So he sits so close behind me that his huge helmet bumps against my back as he turns his head to look at passing traffic. Which I think in Native American would make my name, "sunburned woman with large headed papoose pulling two dazed babies and a noodle".

I love the whole contraption though. I feel free, as strange as that is to say, and I foresee long productive rides to the grocery store or the coffee shop or the scrapbooking store where upon arrival, I lock up the bike, unhook and attach a front wheel to the trailer to convert it to a stroller, take finn by the hand and...voila! My dad would be so proud.


I like it! Sounds miraculously easy and definitely freeing, esp. after discussing outings with the bjorn and stroller. Bet Finn loves it, yeah? Can't wait to come see for myself! Love ya, SuperMom.

5:53 PM  

I'm so glad you found the bike trailer/stroller combo. Sounds like a lot of fun!

8:33 PM  

Sounds funny. I'll ride behind you and take pictures when I get there, OK? I'll be by myself, or maybe I will carry a towel.
Sorry, that's not really funny.
Are you finding any friends? Some of the people I have met there seem pretty great. Has of Mandy's pretty great friends come over to say hello?

6:58 AM  

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