kind words

Thank you all for your warm encouragement and your mutual distaste for the whole gosh darn grad application process, which often leads to rejection. Not just my rejection either, lots of really brilliant people have been rejected by grad programs. This makes me feel better. So thank you also for being rejectees and sharing your rejection so I can commiserate.

I have been bombarded with comments, e-mails and facebook messages to convince me of my non-dumbness and I think it may be working. I'm on the mend. I've thought very little about the scathing forward I would write in my first book citing institutions of higher learning with elitism, condescension and general demoralization. Much progress, really.


hey! i'm just now catching up with your recent posts and of course i sympathize :( but kudos to you for applying because i know that takes a lot of effort and guts, frankly, as i have only vaguely thought about doing it and not actually done it... things always have a strange way of panning out...i remember sometime during high school i decided, in a teen-angst sort of state i'm sure, that if i imagined something happening that i wanted to happen, it would, as a direct result, not happen at all simply because i'd thought about it. this is of course not exactly true but it does seem that way at times....

i still get this sinking feeling sometimes when i think about how i did not go straight on to grad school like i had once planned but more and more i think there is really not a time limit on these things. and there is not a certain time line or correct order of events either. or so i have to remind myself :)

8:29 AM  

Oh my gosh, you have got to be kidding! They rejected you????? Kate, I am so sorry!

11:35 PM  

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